SpatialDev had been working with the Agricultural Development team at the BMGF for a few years, building a data visualization tool, The Portfolio Mapping Tool (PMT) that aims to connect people across the globe through map-based collaboration and visual storytelling. Using the PMT allows users to browse, map, add, edit, and share projects without being GIS experts - empowering everyone to improve strategies and partner for greater impact. The PMT enables users to browse and map parallel projects alone or alongside similar ventures. The tool provides easy access to geographic information such as precipitation, travel time, and crop yields - providing new context for decisionmaking.
My role
I worked as the Creative Director and UI/UX designer. I was in charge of ideation of the interface, how the data would live, be accessed and visualized and how the user would interact with the different datasets. The design included a dashboard, a list view and an interactive map for all the projects.

We received numerous requests by different organizations to build a similar environment for them and their data. We decided that we would build a PMT platform that would allow us to create different instances of the PMT for each one of our clients.
In this example, we are looking at an instance of PMT built for the Ethiopian Agricultural Transofrmation Agency. This instance, named Eth-Aim, is built with re-usable software application components and code. It costs less to reconfigure the tool because it doesn’t require a complete customization. Another key value is that the user interface code leverages technologies commonly used by web developers, including JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. This means most developers will have the skills and experience to work on and extend ETH-AIM. There are no proprietary dependencies that require specialized skills or expensive licensing.

We had multiple organizations request an instance of the PMT for their own datasets and usage. Having a visualization tool of their data has proven to be very helpful in decision making for these organizations.
We had multiple organizations request an instance of the PMT for their own datasets and usage. Having a visualization tool of their data has proven to be very helpful in decision making for these organizations.